Rewiew in the Opera Plus Magazine after the guest performance of the South Bohemian Theatre's Ballet Company at the National Theatre in Prague on January 17th, 2016 with Attila Egerhazi's choreography About Kafka
The staging of "About Kafka" manages to maintain its internal tensions, each scene is dynamic, condensed in a small area, and before it becomes too obviously descriptive and readable, it transforms into a new one. The scenes follow each other in a close connection. There's no time to rest neither for the main character who leaves the stage only for a few minutes, nor for the viewers to absorb the individual images.
The success of the production lies largely in the choice of music. Egerházi’s movement vocabulary has found in the music an ideal partner. The dynamic choreography shapes the bodies of dancers into straight lines and sharp angles without poses or long protractions.
About Kafka is an authorial dance theatre that is effective thanks to the successful selection of all the ingredients.
The performance is a very refreshing phenomena on the Czech dance scene which lacks an experience of such a pure, intense, condensed dance, lasting only 50 minutes.
Rewiew in the Hungarian Dance Critic's Magazine about guest performance of Swan Lake at Budapest
Attila Egerházi a strong directorial concept is carried through the ballet that remains most likely the audience's memory, and makes it possible to identify easily if they may see more Swan Lake 's performances in their life.